Grow Tent Kit Assembly

Tara | December 26, 2021
Grow tent kit

Glandore Hydro is pleased to provide instructions for grow tent kit assembly. If you have any questions, we are available in store and on the phone 7 days a week to assist you.

The process outlined below is for a 4 pot run-to-waste system. If you have a smaller or larger kit and require clarification on any particular steps, please contact us for guidance anytime.

Step 1 – Tent Assembly


Assemble the frame of the tent and place it over/inside the floor part of the “skin” of the tent. Place the roof of the tent over the top of the frame.


Wrap and zip the walls of the tent between the floor & roof, covering the sides of the tent frame. For ease of access, you may want to leave the 2 sides and front part of the tent unzipped and open.

Step 2 – Light Installation


The first step in the light installation process is to Assemble Cool Tubes and Attach the 150mm heat proof ducting to the ducting flanges of the cool tubes.

You may find it easier to screw the globe into the cool tubes globe-holder prior to attaching the ducting. Use 150mm Hose Clamps to secure the ducting to the cool tube ducting flange.

Tape the Silver Ducts to the dual-150mm end of the Y-split, and then also again on the single 200mm end of the Y-split as demonstrated in the image above with Silver tape .


Attach lengths of chain to the mounting holes on the top side of the reflectors. Carefully mount the loose end of the chains to the support rails at the top of the tent, allowing the cool tubes to hang at a level height.


You should now have a well supported light system hanging from the ceiling, with your ducting & Y-split ready for connection to your fan.

Step 3 – Fan Installation


Connect and seal heat proof ducting to the external side of the fan and feed it through the appropriate hole in the tent wall. Using more lengths of chain, mount and suspend the fan securely inside the tent as seen in the image above.


Connect and seal the open-ended bit of ducting that is connected to the Y-split to the open-ended side of the fan.


This should now create a directional airway passage that runs from the open ends of the cool tubes, through the Y-split and fan, through the wall of the tent and exiting via the ducting on the outside of the tent.

Step 4 – Ballast Installation


In similar fashion to the mounting of the fan, use lengths of chain to mount the ballast on the inside of the tent. Run the power cables neatly across the top frame support and exit them out through the appropriate hole in the tent skin.


You should now have a neatly and securely mounted lighting & ventilation system as seen in the image above.

Step 5 – Feed / Irrigation System Setup


Lay your foam blocks out in an even configuration on the floor. At this stage you can place either just the external pots or both internal & external pots on each of the respective foam blocks, ensuring that the drainage holes are facing internally to the middle of the tent.


Lay a ring of poly pipe around the foam blocks, connecting them with a T-joiner to create a sealed loop.


Connect another piece of poly pipe to the open end of the T-joiner, as this will be your feed line that runs from your reservoir. Run the poly pipe through the appropriate hole in the tent side back to your nutrient reservoir.


Where the ring of poly pipe meets each of the foam bases, cut and insert another T-joiner. This will be point where each pot is connected into the feed system.


Connect an appropriate length of poly pipe that matches the height the top of the pot stands from the ground. Connect an elbow joiner to the open end of this poly pipe, attach another small segment of poly pipe to the other end of the elbow joiner, and finally connect this small connecting piece of poly pipe to the feed ring that will sit on top of the medium inside the pot.


To ensure that each of the pots receives an equal distribution of feed flow, its a good idea to insert regulator taps in the length of poly pipe that runs from the floor to the feeder ring. This way, you’ll be able to restrict pots that are closer to the entry point of the feeding system that otherwise may dominate the amount of water pressure available. It will also provide you with the long term benefit of isolating some pots during the feeding regime if required.

Step 6 – Drainage System Installation


As this system is built upon the run-to-waste principle, each time you feed there needs to be adequate drainage in place to carry away the waste. Its a good idea to start by laying out the relevant elbow and T-joiners on the ground in a configuration similar to the image above.


For each pot, connect a piece of poly pipe to the drainage hole. Cut it to a length that adequately fills the space between the drainage hole and the relevant elbow on the ground.


Using more poly pipe, connect each elbow at the base of adjacent pots through a central T-joiner. Now run and connect a length of poly pipe between the 2 open-ended T-joiners, creating a sealed drainage system shared by all 4 pots.


On the side of the tent closest to the drainage exit point, insert another T-joiner. Connect and run an appropriate length of poly from this T-joiner to an exit point outside the tent, thus creating 1 drainage hose from the drainage system.


Connect your drainage poly pipe to a waste collecting reservoir if required, otherwise allow it to drain to an appropriate drainage area. You should now have 2 poly pipe hoses that run through the wall of your tent; one of them a feeding line and the other a drainage line.

Step 7 – Final Feeding Configuration


Inside your reservoir, ensure that you have a breathing line attached to your main feeding line. This breathing line will prevent the entire reservoir from being siphoned and drained into your pots due to gravity, and should create a flow back into the reservoir. Once everything is in place, test out your feeding line which should run evenly through all 4 feeder rings. At this point, you can use the restriction taps on each pot to regulate an even flow across all pots.

All waste from the feeding should now drain to the bottom of the external pot, through the drainage line and then out to your drainage collecting reservoir.

Step 8 – All Finished


Congratulations! You should now have a sealed system of ventilation, feeding & drainage as seen in the image above.

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