How Often Should I Feed My Plants?

Tara | February 15, 2022
leaf wet
How often should I give my plants nutrients?

The amount of nutrient solution to feed your plants is perhaps even more important than how and when to feed. Only feed the plants during the day period (while the lights are on). Do not over feed plants as this will slow growth and can create perfect conditions for pests and diseases.

How often should I feed in perlite?

As a general rule, feed 10-15% more nutrient solution than the pot will hold. Frequency of application depends on plant size and room temperature but will vary from once or twice daily immediately after transplanting, to several times per day on warm days during harvest.

How often should I feed in clay balls?

As a general rule, feed 10-15% more nutrient solution than the pot will hold. Frequency of application depends on plant size and grow room temperature but will vary from: One 15-minute feed per hour while the lights are on during the first weeks of growth, to one 15-minute feed every two hours starting several minutes before the lamps have been turned on.

How often should I feed in coco coir

When using a pot over 30 litres, feed once per 24 hours until the plant reaches 30cm wide/high. Then feed twice per 24 hours until the plant reaches 50cm wide/high before feeding the maximum of three times every 24 hours. 20% runoff is a good amount. Wait a few minutes to determine runoff amount because the coco acts like a sponge.

If the pots are smaller than 30Ltr then it may be necessary to feed up to 5 times per day. A good tip is to feel the weight of the pot. If it is heavy do not feed until the pot has dried out a little. If using Rocket Pots, then extra feeds may be required as they dry out quicker than standard pots.

How often should I feed in soil?

As a general rule, feed 1-2% more than the pot will hold. There should be very little runoff, particularly when running organics. Frequency of application depends on plant size and grow room temperature but is recommended once every 2-3 days. It’s time to feed when the top soil is dry to about an inch deep, and below that the soil is still moist.

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