Fast Fulvic is comprised of 8% liquid fulvic acid. Fulvic acid is a powerful extract derived from humates. It’s a potent organic electrolyte that can balance and energise cells.
– dissolves minerals and trace elements, increasing the availability of minerals including phosphate and lime;
– natural chelating agent that coverts metallic elements intro readily absorbable, bio-available nutrition;
– low molecular size enables fulvic chelated minerals to rapidly enter the plant walls;
– enhances cell devision and elongation;
– increases root growth and development;
– detoxifies soil pollutants and facilitates the breakdown of toxins;
– offers drought protection through improved moisture storage and increased brix levels;
– increases stomata opening, transpiration and plant respiration while improving the respiration of beneficial micro-organisms;
– increases the permiability of plants membranes, improving the uptake of nutrients;
– directly influences numerous enzymatic processes; and
– interacts with sunlight to improve photosynthesis.
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