Understanding 2-Part Nutrients

Tara | May 25, 2022
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Two part nutrients are split in to two separate containers, usually called A&B. Each part is comprised of specific macro and micro-nutrients that combine to form the overall NPK ratio of a nutrient formulation.

Why Do Some Nutrients Come in 2 Parts?

Plants require specific macro and micro-nutrients in order to thrive. Two-part nutrients separate minerals which would otherwise bind together forming sediment in the bottle. These minerals can become bound up and unavailable to plants. Keeping these nutrients separate in their concentrated form ensures that 100% of the minerals are available to your plants. Never mix A&B concentrates together in their pure, concentrated form, because that will lead to insoluble substances. In A&B nutrients, the A bottle may contain Nitrogen and various micronutrients, while the B bottle may contain phosphorus, potassium and more micronutrients. You must always add A&B nutrients in equal parts.

Some companies will just have one set of A&B nutrients that are suitable for the entire growth cycle, for example, BAC Coco A&B and House & Garden Coco A&B. Other brands offer separate A&B sets for grow and bloom. For example, CANNA Vega A&B and CANNA Flores A&B. The main difference between grow and bloom formulations is the amount of Nitrogen they contain.

Can I Use 2-Part Nutrients Instead of Additives?

In addition to the macro and micro-nutrients contained in A&B base nutrients, many growers also use additives. While base nutrients provide a solid foundation for plant nutrition, additives can offer precision growth enhancement or manipulation with profound results. There are many different types of additives that can be used at different stages of plant growth. When used correctly, additives can stimulate stronger and healthier growth and influence various plant processes.

Are 2-Part Nutrients Better?

The answer is not black and white. It depends on several factors including medium, additives, genetics and environmental factors that are present in the grow room. The overall quality of the nutrient is more important than whether the nutrient is separated into two parts. A wider range of micro nutrients can be included in 2-Part formulations, but the quality of ingredients, and the use of additives can negate some of these benefits. Many high quality organic base nutrients such as BAC Organic Grow and Bloom, and Canna Bio Vega & Canna Bio Flores are one part nutrients. Organic nutrients contain organic minerals in lower concentrations, making them less likely to bind or react. That doesn’t mean these nutrients are inferior to 2-Part nutrients. In fact, organic nutrients can contain ingredients such as beneficial micro-organisms that would not survive in pure, highly concentrated mineral formulations.

Which 2-Part Nutrients Should I Use?

We recommended the following 2-Part Nutrients:

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